
Our website

  • Does not use cookies to track personal information of site visitors. 
  • We use Google Analytics, a third party service, to measure and understand how you use our website. Google Analytics does this by using third-party cookies, (managed by Google) to collect information about you and how you use the site. We can then analyse the data and use it to inform decisions about how we can improve the website.

Personal information/notes

  • We use a third party cloud based practice management software system called Cliniko to store our patient notes.  This system is GDPR compliant and we use 2-factor authentication to access it. 
  • You may request a copy of your notes at any point by contacting the office. We will only share your notes with other medical practitioners if you request us to do so. 
  • By law we are required to retain these notes for 6 years. At this point we will delete them unless there is an expressed reason/ request from the individual concerned. 
  • We occasionally send emails to our mailing list for marketing purposes, this is an opt in mailing list which can be unsubscribed from at any stage.
  • For children under the age of 16 we will need the express consent of a parent/guardian for any process related to the collection of that child’s medical notes or information.  The parent/guardian are entitled to have personal data rectified if inaccurate or incomplete.